How It Started and How It’s Going
Hi — I’m James, and this is a project I started back in 2010.
At the time, I was working as a missionary journalist in South America. I knew enough Spanish to get around but not enough to form deep friendships, so I was alone a lot. (My introversion didn’t help.)
To pass the time, I started an art project:
I would illustrate every chapter of the Bible.
Over the next five years, I would draw my way from Genesis to the end of the Psalms.
I shared my drawings on a Tumblr blog, and people began to write to me with their questions about life, faith, and the Bible. I had just as much fun answering their questions as I did creating my artwork. Scripture Sketches quickly shifted away from just sharing my art to also sharing my faith in a more personal way.
I also got to know a small community of other Christians on Tumblr — including a cute Canadian named Ashley.
When my time in South America ended, I returned to the States and married Ashley. Though I tried to continue Scripture Sketches, things like changing jobs, grad school, and home renovations forced me to set it aside.
In 2020, I started sharing my old drawings on social media and also writing some thoughts about each chapter. Once I've re-posted everything I've already created, I'm going to start drawing again to finish the whole Bible. I'd also like to start making videos where I answer people's spiritual questions the way I did back when I started.
This is something I believe God has called me to do. I’ve seen the fruit that results in my own heart and in others’ lives when I share Jesus creatively. So I'm going to do it my best, even if it isn't perfect.
Thanks for coming along for the ride.