Exodus 18 — Sketch


Big Idea:

  • Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, comes to see him. He hears about everything that has happened for Israel and makes sacrifices to God.

  • After seeing Moses sit as the judge for the people, Jethro asks why he’s shouldering that burden alone.

  • Jethro suggests that Moses choose honest, capable, God-fearing men to serve as judges over groups of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. Meanwhile, Moses can be the people’s representative before God and teach them God’s laws.

  • Moses accepts Jethro’s advice and delegates responsibility to his chosen officials.

Jesus in This Chapter:

The way Moses delegates to others reminds me of how Jesus called and trained his disciples to carry the Gospel to the world.

(Originally drawn September 29, 2010)


Exodus 18 — Thoughts


Exodus 17 — Thoughts