Genesis 16 — Sketch

God Loves Women Even if Others in the Bible Don’t

Big Idea:

  • Impatient for God to provide a family, Sarai tells Abram to have a child with her Egyptian maidservant, Hagar.

  • Abram gets Hagar pregnant.

  • Tensions mount between Sarai and Hagar, and Sarai abuses her.

  • Hagar runs away.

  • An angel meets Hagar at a roadside desert spring.

  • The angel tells her to go back to Abram and that, though her descendants will be many, her son will be a hostile man.

  • Hagar goes back and bears Abram a son, Ishmael.

Jesus in This Chapter:

  • The Angel of the Lord seeks out Hagar, just as Jesus seeks us out. In fact, some people think that whenever the Bible mentions “The Angel of the Lord” it’s actually talking about a Christophany (an appearance of Jesus outside His earthly life).

  • Abram and Sarai sinned against Hagar. It’s important to remember that when Jesus died on the Cross, He died for the sins we commit as well as for the sins committed against us. Jesus’ blood heals us from both.

(Originally drawn July 9, 2010)


Genesis 16 — Thoughts


Genesis 15 — Thoughts