Genesis 17 — Sketch

A New Identity

Big Idea:⁠

  • God appears to Abram.⁠

  • God confirms His covenant and His promise to give Abram descendants.⁠

  • God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah.⁠

  • God instructs Abraham to circumcise all the men in his household as a sign of God’s covenant.⁠

  • God agrees to also bless Ishmael.

  • Abraham has the men of his household circumcised.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Here, God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah. He gives them new identities. Through the Cross, Jesus gives us a new Identity. Now, when God sees us, He no longer sees our sin; He sees only the Righteousness of His Son.

(Originally drawn July 12, 2010)


Genesis 17 — Thoughts


Genesis 16 — Thoughts