Genesis 25 — Sketch

No Brotherly Love Lost

Big Idea:

  • Abraham dies.

  • Ishmael’s hostile descendants settle near Egypt.

  • Rebekah is unable to conceive, but Isaac prays for her, and she becomes pregnant with twins.

  • The babies fight in Rebekah's womb.

  • Esau is born first, but Jacob is born grasping Esau's heel.

  • Esau, a hairy outdoorsman, is Isaac’s favorite. Jacob, a domestic thinker, is Rebekah’s favorite.

  • Esau is starving after a hunting trip and asks Jacob for food.

  • Jacob makes Esau trade his birthright for the food.⁠

Jesus in This Chapter:

  • Rebekah gives birth to twins despite being unable to conceive all her life, and Mary gave birth to Jesus despite being a virgin.

  • The birthright passes from Esau to Jacob, and our righteousness passes from Jesus to us.

(Originally drawn August 1, 2010)


Genesis 25 — Thoughts


Genesis 24 — Thougths