Genesis 26 — Sketch

Liar, Liar II

Big Idea:

  • A famine hits, and Isaac goes to the Philistine King, Abimelech.

  • God warns Isaac not to go to Egypt and confirms His covenant with him.

  • Isaac tells the Philistines that Rebekah is his sister out of fear that they will kill him to get to her — just like his dad, Abraham, did with Sarah.

  • Abimelech catches Isaac making out with Rebekah and realizes the lie.

  • God blesses Isaac so much that Abimelech is freaked out.

  • Out of Jealousy, the Philistines block up Isaac’s wells, and Abimelech tells Isaac to leave.

  • Isaac tries to dig new wells and is chased off twice before succeeding.

  • God appears to Isaac to reassure him.

  • Isaac builds an altar, a well, and a settlement.

  • Abimelech comes with his personal attendant and the commander of his forces and asks Isaac for a peace treaty.

  • Isaac serves them a feast and makes an oath with Abimelech.

Jesus in This Chapter:

  • When God tells Isaac that He will bless all nations through his offspring, the offspring God is talking about is Isaac's distant descendant Jesus, who saves us no matter what nation we come from.

  • King Abimelech comes to Isaac and recognizes that God is with him. Centuries later, three magi will come to Jesus and recognize that He is God’s son.

(Originally drawn August 3, 2010)


Genesis 26 — Thoughts


Genesis 25 — Thoughts