Genesis 28 — Sketch

Stairway to Heaven

Big Idea:

  • While blessing Jacob, Isaac tells him not to marry a Canaanite but to find a wife among Rebekah’s people.

  • While traveling, Jacob stops for the night and uses a stone for a pillow.

  • In a dream, Jacob sees a stairway/ladder to Heaven with angels moving up and down it and God at the top.

  • God promises a covenant with Jacob.

  • The next morning, Jacob sets up a pillar and pours oil on it as an altar to God.

  • Jacob makes a vow to follow God.

Jesus in This Chapter:

“Jacob’s Ladder” is a symbol for Jesus. The ladder comes down from heaven and creates a single path from earth to God. And Jesus came down from heaven and provided us the ONLY path from sin to God.

(Originally drawn August 4, 2010)


Genesis 28 — Thoughts


Genesis 27 — Thoughts