Genesis 29 — Sketch

Biblical Love Triangle

Big Idea:

  • At a watering hole, Jacob meets Rachel, a shepherdess from his mother’s family.

  • Jacob goes home with her and meets Rachel’s father, Laban, and her older sister, Leah.

  • Laban agrees to let Jacob marry Rachel in exchange for seven years of work.

  • Jacob works for seven years for Rachel, “but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.”

  • There is a wedding. But the next morning, Jacob realizes that Laban tricked him into marrying Leah instead of Rachel.

  • Laban lets Jacob marry Rachel as well, but he makes Jacob work another seven years for her.

  • Leah gives Jacob four sons — Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah — but Jacob doesn't really love Leah.

  • Jacob loves Rachel, but Rachel is unable to conceive.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Jacob endured 14 years of servitude to win Rachel’s hand. Jesus endured the Cross to win our hearts.

(Originally drawn August 6, 2010)


Genesis 29 — Thoughts


Genesis 28 — Thoughts