Genesis 35 — Sketch

No Turning Back

Big Idea:

  • God sends Jacob to Bethel to build an altar.

  • Jacob tells his family to give him their foreign gods, and he buries them.

  • Jacob’s family arrives in Bethel, and he builds an altar.

  • Rebeka’s nurse, Deborah, dies, and they bury her under an oak tree.

  • God appears to Jacob and blesses him and confirms His covenant with him.

  • Jacob sets up a pillar and pours out a drink offering to God.

  • Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin.

  • Reuben sleeps with Bilhah, his father’s concubine and mother of two of his brothers.

  • Isaac dies at 180.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Jacob buried his family's false gods, and God came to him to establish a covenant with him. Through the cross, Jesus buries sin and death and brings us into right relationship with God.⁠

(Originally drawn August 13, 2010)


Genesis 35 — Thoughts


Genesis 34 — Thoughts