Genesis 40 — Sketch

Good Dreams and Bad Dreams

Big Idea:

In prison, Joseph meets Pharaoh’s cup-bearer and baker.⁠ Both are distressed over dreams they’ve had.

The cup-bearer dreamt that he found three branches of grapes, so he squeezed them into Pharaoh’s cup and gave it to him.

Joseph tells the cup-bearer that the dream means that in three days, Pharaoh will release him and give him his job back.

Joseph asks the cupbearer to ask Pharaoh to release him as well when he gets out.

The baker dreamt that he was carrying three baskets of bread on his head, but birds kept eating all the bread.

Joseph tells the baker that the dream means that in three days, Pharoah will have the baker hanged, and birds will come to eat his flesh.

Three days later, the cupbearer is released and the baker is executed.

But the cup-bearer forgets to help Joseph, and Joseph remains in prison.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Joseph spent time in prison. Jesus spent time in the grave.

(Originally drawn August 20, 2020)


Genesis 40 — Thoughts


Genesis 39 — Thoughts