Genesis 45 — Sketch

Back from the Dead

Big Idea:

  • Overwhelmed by the love in Judah’s attempt to save Benjamin, Joseph sends his attendants away so he can be alone with the brothers.

  • Joseph finally reveals who he is to his brothers, weeping loudly.

  • His brothers are shocked, but Joseph reassures them.

  • Joseph tells them to go back and get the rest of their family.

  • When Jacob hears that Joseph is alive, he is overjoyed.

Jesus in This Chapter:

This is probably my favorite part of the story of Joseph. His brothers believed they had killed him, and all of a sudden, he’s standing before them. It reminds me of when Jesus’ disciples were all together thinking He was dead, then all of a sudden, there He was.

(Originally drawn August 27, 2010)


Genesis 45 Thoughts


Genesis 44 — Thoughts