Genesis 5 — Thoughts

We get just a couple lines about Enoch's life, and yet he's one of the characters in the Bible who haunts me most.⁠

Enoch walked with God. That is to say — he had an incredibly close relationship with God. He trusted God. He sought God. He opened His heart to God. And God was there for it. God was there for all of it.⁠

When I think of Enoch, my mind races with questions. How did God take him away? Does that mean Enoch never died? Did he even notice when it happened? Or was he so focused on God, so disinterested in the things of the world, that leaving Earth to go into Heaven made little difference to him?⁠

We don't know the answers to these questions. All we know is that Enoch walked with God, and God responded.⁠

To me, this is a challenge. I want to walk with God the way Enoch did. I want to have that kind of intimacy with my Savior. I want to be that disinterested in the things of this world, that devoted to the things of God.⁠

We see other examples of faith like this. Elijah was also taken away by God at the end of his earthly life (2 Kings 2:11-12), but there are others who come to mind.⁠

I'm thinking of the persecuted Church and those who have been martyred for their faith. Like Enoch, they did not value this life more than their relationship with the Lord, leaving all behind in order to be ever closer to Him.⁠

Could I have that kind of faith? Could you?⁠

I believe we can. Enoch did, and the persecuted Church does. That means that I can too, and so can you. Let's walk with God together.⁠

(Originally written May 14, 2020)


Genesis 6 — Sketch


Genesis 5 — Sketch