Genesis 7 — Thoughts

The Ark Is like the Cross

I did a Bible study in college about the Cross. What surprised me is that it focused mainly on the Old Testament. But of course, this makes sense because the whole Bible is really telling only one story: the Gospel.⁠

When we understand that story, when we can recognize the pattern in it, we see that pattern appear over and over again throughout the Bible.⁠

It comes in three parts:

  1. People reject God.

  2. This rejection puts them in danger.

  3. God provides a way out of danger.⁠

Nearly every story in the Bible includes one or all of these themes.

The story of the Flood and the Ark is a great example:

  1. Humanity is evil. (People reject God.)

  2. God sends a flood to wipe out humanity. (This rejection puts them in danger.)

  3. God provides an ark to save Noah and his family. (God provides a way out of danger.)

⁠And this points us to the ultimate story of the Gospel:

  1. We sin. (We reject God.)

  2. Sin leads to death. (This rejection puts us in danger.)⁠

  3. Jesus took on our sin and death for us so that we can be saved. (God provides a way out of danger.)

In the story of the Flood, the ark is a symbol for the Cross. Every story is ultimately about Jesus.⁠

(Originally written May 19, 2020)


Genesis 8 — Sketch


Genesis 7 — Sketch