Exodus 2 — Sketch

Another Ark

Big idea:

  • A Hebrew couple gives birth to a son.

  • The mother covers a basket in pitch so that it floats, puts her baby inside, and hides him in the reeds along the Nile.

  • The boy’s sister watches the basket until Pharaoh’s daughter discovers it. Pharaoh’s daughter names the baby Moses.

  • Moses’ sister offers to get their mother to help Pharaoh’s daughter raise Moses.

  • Moses grows up in Pharaoh’s house.

  • One day, Moses sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Moses becomes angry and kills the Egyptian. He buries the body in the sand.

  • The next day, Moses tries to stop a fight between two Hebrews and learns that they know he murdered the Egyptian.

  • Pharaoh also knows about the murder and wants to kill Moses.

  • Moses flees to Midian on the other side of the Red Sea.

  • Moses stops some men from bullying seven sisters.

  • He meets the girls’ father, a priest.

  • Moses marries Zipporah, one of the priests’ daughters, has a son, and becomes a shepherd in Midian.

  • Pharaoh dies.⁠


Moses was supposed to be killed along with the other baby boys, but the basket held him above the waters and saved him. In a similar way, we are all meant for death because of our sin, but Jesus’ work on the cross lifts us above our sin and saves us.

(Originally drawn September 7, 2010)


Exodus 2 — Thoughts


Exodus 1 — Thoughts