Exodus 2 — Thoughts

Are You Above Water?

Have you ever boarded a flight in the middle of a rainstorm? It can be a little nerve-wracking to take off in rough conditions. But I actually love it because I know that moment is coming — the moment when the plane rises through the clouds and breaks out into a clear, sun-lit sky. It's transcendent to find oneself suddenly at peace above the storm like that.

In this chapter, we see the Hebrew people living through a storm of their own. Pharaoh had ordered all of the newborn Hebrew boys to be thrown into the Nile and drowned. That river probably became a dark symbol of heartbreak and death for the Hebrew people.

And yet, one woman took steps to ensure that the waters of that river wouldn't claim her baby. The floating basket Moses' mother prepared kept him above the water — lifting him above the death that was meant for him.

As human beings, we are living through a storm as well, a storm of our own making. Through our sin, we have cut ourselves off from the God of Life, and there is nothing left for us but spiritual death (Isaiah 59:2). Our sin has earned us a death every bit as real as that which claimed the Hebrew babies beneath the water (Romans 6:23).

But, but like Moses' mother, God took steps to ensure that death wouldn't claim us. He died to the cross, conquering sin, and rose back to life, conquering death. Now, if we put our faith in Jesus, trusting Him with our lives more than we trust ourselves, we get to experience the forgiveness and new life He brings us (Ephesians 2:8-9).

In Jesus, we are lifted above the waters of sin and death, to rest in the transcendent peace that God provides.

(Originally written October 8, 2020)


Exodus 3 — Sketch


Exodus 2 — Sketch