Exodus 3 — Sketch

Killed Not Conquered

Big Idea:

  • Moses is tending flocks near Mt. Horeb.

  • God appears to Moses as fire from a bush that doesn’t burn.

  • God tells Moses to take off his sandals because the ground is holy.

  • God says He wants to send Moses to save Israel.

  • God tells Moses to tell the Israelites that he was sent by ‘I AM.’

  • God says that He is going to bring the Israelites to “a land flowing with milk and honey.”

  • God says that He is going to accomplish this by reaching out His hand and striking the Egyptians with wonders.⁠

Jesus in This Chapter:

  • God doesn’t leave Israel in their slavery and suffering — He has a plan to save them. Likewise, God doesn’t leave us in our sin and death — Jesus’ work on the cross is His plan to save us.

  • The burning bush is almost a symbol for Jesus. Just as the bush was on fire but not burned up, Jesus was killed but is not conquered. He is the Lamb looking as if it has been slain and yet standing in the center of the throne (Revelation 5:6).

(Originally drawn September 8, 2020)


Exodus 3 — Thoughts


Exodus 2 — Thoughts