Exodus 4 — Thoughts

Remember This When You Feel Like a Failure

What proof would you want from someone who claimed to be a messenger for God?

God gives Moses three different proofs to take back to Israel:

  1. Moses can change this staff into a snake and back again.

  2. Moses can give his hand leprosy and take it back again.

  3. Moses can turn water from the Nile River into blood.

But these aren't just random ways for Moses to show off God's power. I'm struck by the symbolism that can be found in each sign.

First, the snake. The last time we encountered a snake in the Bible was at the beginning of Genesis, when the serpent tempted Eve to sin. So Moses' ability to turn his staff into a snake could be seen as a symbol for our sin.

Then, the leprosy. Leprosy would ruin a person's life before eventually taking that life. So Moses' ability to give his hand leprosy could be seen as a symbol for death.

And finally, the blood. So far, God has given Moses signs to symbolize both sin and death — the human condition (Romans 6:23). Now, He gives Moses a symbol to represent God's answer for our sin and death: The blood of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:7).

In essence, God gives Moses the Gospel to prove that his message is true.

Trusting in the message that Moses brings with these signs will lead the Israelites to freedom. And trusting the message of the Gospel of Jesus will lead all of us to salvation.⁠

(Originally written October 13, 2020)


Exodus 5 — Sketch


Exodus 4 — Sketch