Genesis 1 — Thoughts

Genesis 1 introduces us to God by showing us some very important aspects of his Character...⁠

  1. He is the Creator. God created everything in existence, including us. He is the source and sustainer of time, logic, and the entire material world.⁠

  2. He is a Father. God made us special, because we are the only part of His creation that He made in His own image. He made us to have a relationship with Him.⁠

  3. He is a Judge. God evaluated everything He created and concluded that "it was very good." As our Creator and our Judge, He will someday demand an account from us for the things we do in life.⁠

⁠I read in the latest The Voice of the Martyrs magazine that North Koreans have a purely materialistic view of the world, so sharing the Gospel with them always begins with Genesis 1, with God as the Creator. Only then can they begin to understand what it means for Him to also be our Savior.⁠

(Originally written May 7, 2020)


Genesis 2 — Sketch


Genesis 1 — Sketch