Genesis 10 — Thoughts

God of the Western World?

Our God is not the God of the Jews alone. He is not even the God of Western Civilization alone. He is the God of the whole world.

We see it clearly in chapters like this one. At first glance, this list of names seems to be nothing more than recorded history. It gives credibility to Scripture, but does it teach us anything about who we are or who God is?

Actually, it does.

Here, we see humanity begin to spread out across the world. Some go across the ocean. Some go into the hills. And some become mighty civilizations.

All of this came from one family, Noah's family — a family saved by faith in God. From the beginning, God was the God of the whole world. And that hasn't changed.

People today often try to pin our God as the "American God" or the "Jewish God" or the "Western God.” He is all these things, of course, but He is also so much more. He is God over both the Western and the Eastern worlds, the developed and the developing worlds. He is the God of both men and women. He is the God of both the rich and the poor. And He is the God over every culture and language.⁠

(Originally written May 26, 2020)


Genesis 11 — Sketch


Genesis 10 — Sketch