Genesis 13 — Sketch


Big Idea:

  • Abram returns to Canaan.

  • Abram’s herdsman quarrel with his nephew Lot’s.

  • Abram suggests he and Lot split the land.

  • Lot chooses the fertile Jordan plain, near Sodom.

  • God promises to give the land to Abram and make his decedents numerous, “like the dust of the earth.”

  • Abram settles at the great trees of Mamre and builds an altar to God.

Jesus in This Chapter:

When God says, "I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth," He's talking about the Israelites, who descend from Abram — but He's also talking about all people of faith, Abram's spiritual descendants (Romans 4:16).

(Originally drawn July 6, 2010)


Genesis 13 — Thoughts


Genesis 12 — Thoughts