Genesis 12 — Thoughts

Three Lessons from the Beginning of Abram’s Walk with God

Genesis 12 teaches us three important things about our relationship with God.

1.) God’s calling can be uncomfortable.

When God first spoke to Abram, God told him to move. He had to leave his country. He had to leave his people. And he had to leave his family. This was a sacrifice.

With everything familiar behind him, Abram entered a foreign land. It was a land already settled by other people. It was a land that would experience famine. And it was a land that would force him to live for the time under a powerful Pharaoh. This was threatening.

Following God can sometimes feel like a sacrifice and a threat. But it’s worth it because…

2.) God’s calling is a blessing.

God promised Abram that he would be both blessed and a blessing. Not only would Abram become the father of the great nation of Israel, but the Savior of the world would also come through his family line.

Whatever Abram left behind to follow God’s calling, it couldn’t compare to the amazing things God would do through Abram’s obedience.

3.) We don’t have to follow God perfectly for Him to use us.

Abram would make a poor role model. He was terrified of Pharaoh, so he lied to protect himself while putting his wife, Sarai, at risk. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he didn’t learn his lesson. He does the same thing again in Genesis 20.

And yet, Abram’s cowardice and deceit don’t disrupt God’s plan for His life. God still uses him to establish Israel and prepare the way for Jesus.

Whatever God is calling you to do today, however uncomfortable it may feel, and however imperfectly you do it, following Him will be worth it.

(Originally written June 9, 2020)


Genesis 13 — Sketch


Genesis 12 — Sketch