Genesis 14 — Thoughts

Is Melchizedek Jesus?

Jesus is eternal. He was there at Creation (Colossians 1:16) So, why do we only read about Him in the New Testament?

Some have suggested that we actually DO see Jesus in the Old Testament. A "Christophany" is an appearance of Jesus outside of His earthly life in the Gospels. It could happen after Jesus' ascension, like when He confronted Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-5). But a Christophany could also happen in the Old Testament, before His birth in Bethlehem.

Abram's encounter with Melchizedek is a possible example. Many have pointed out the parallels between this King of Salem and Jesus. Both are kings (John 18:36). Both are priests (Hebrews 4:14). Both prepare a place for God's people in the presence of their enemies (Psalm 23:5). Both receive a tithe. And both have names associated with righteousness and peace. This idea is even driven home in Hebrews 7, which compares Jesus to Melchizedek directly.

Still, Scripture doesn't come right out and tell us that this is a Christophany, so we can take this idea too far. But at the very least, we are able to acknowledge that Melchizedek had a Christ-like character.

He welcomed, provided for, and blessed Abram, and a person doesn't have to be Jesus incarnate to do these things. We only need lives surrendered to Jesus. With that kind of faith, anyone can reflect Jesus to others.

So, let's strive to be people prepare a place for others the way Melchizedek did for Abram — and the way Jesus does for us.

(Originally written June 14, 2020)


Genesis 15 — Sketch


Genesis 14 — Sketch