Genesis 18 — Sketch

Negotiating Justice and Mery

Big Idea:

  • God appears to Abraham as three men.

  • God tells Abraham that Sarah will have a son within the year.

  • Sarah laughs, and God calls her out on lying about it.⁠

  • God tells Abraham that He is going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.⁠

  • Abraham asks God to spare Sodom if there are 50 righteous people there, and God agrees.⁠

  • Abraham asks God to spare Sodom if there are 45 righteous people there, and God agrees.

  • Abraham asks God to spare Sodom if there are 40 righteous people there, and God agrees.

  • Abraham asks God to spare Sodom if there are 30 righteous people there, and God agrees.

  • Abraham asks God to spare Sodom if there are 20 righteous people there, and God agrees.

  • Abraham asks God to spare Sodom if there are 10 righteous people there, and God agrees.

Jesus in This Chapter:

God appears to Abraham as three men. Who these men are is debatable, but it might be the Trinity itself — the Father, the Spirit, and Jesus.

(Originally drawn July 13, 2010)


Genesis 18 — Thoughts


Genesis 17 — Thoughts