Genesis 18 — Thoughts

Can We Talk to God like Abraham?

I have to admit, I feel a little jealous of Abraham when I read this story.

I talk to God by speaking to someone I can't currently see. Abraham talked to God by hosting a dinner party for Him!

But as different as our prayer lives seem to be from Abraham's, his relationship with God shows us three important things about prayer that also apply to us.

1.) God Is Personal.

God may not appear in person to eat a meal with us, but He isn't any less close to us than He was to Abraham. We have His Spirit living inside us. This means that He is intimately connected to our thoughts, our feelings, our hopes, and our fears — and He cares deeply about all of it. Talking to Him is like talking to our closest friend.

2.) God is Patient.

Abraham gets pretty bold with God. I can't imagine saying "Far be it from you!" to my boss at work, let alone to the Creator of the Universe. But Abraham does. He then goes on to ask God to change His mind not once, not twice, but six times! And God never silences Abraham or puts the man in his place. God is patient with him. He hears him out.

3.) God Responds.

And God doesn't stop at listening. He also considers what Abraham says and even seems to change His mind for Abraham's sake. This shows us that God is interactive. He cares about the things we say to Him. As James 4:2 tells us, "You do not have because you do not ask God." The reverse of that is also true — when we ask God for something, He responds.

So, while I might not get to serve a meal to God just yet, I can still talk to Him the way Abraham did. I can come to Him personally. I can lean on His patience with me. And I can expect Him to respond to what I ask.

...And so can you.

(Originally written June 23, 2020)


Genesis 19 — Sketch


Genesis 18 — Sketch