Genesis 19 — Sketch


Big Idea:

  • Two angels arrive in Sodom and go to stay in Lot’s house.

  • A mob demands to have sex with the angels. Lot offers the mob his daughters instead.

  • The Angels blind the mob. They then tell Lot to get his family out of the city.

  • God sends burning sulfur onto Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • Lot’s wife looks back and becomes a pillar of salt.

  • Lot’s daughters get him drunk and seduce him in order to get pregnant and preserve their family line — their decedents become enemies of Israel.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Like the flood, the judgment brought down on Sodom and Gomorrah is the Judgment we all deserve for our sin — the judgment Jesus spared us from by taking it upon Himself for us on the Cross.⁠

(Originally drawn July 14, 2010)


Genesis 19 — Thoughts


Genesis 18 — Thoughts