Genesis 32 — Sketch

Spiritual Showdown

Big Idea:

  • As Jacob leaves Laban, he is met by “the angels of God.”

  • Jacob sends an apologetic message to Esau.

  • His messenger returns saying Esau is coming with 400 men.

  • For safety, Jacob divides his family into two groups and prays.

  • Jacob sends three big groups of gifts to placate Esau.

  • Jacob sends his family across the Ford of Jabbok but remains behind for the night.

  • That night, Jacob wrestles with “a man."

  • Unable to overpower Jacob, the man dislocates Jacob’s hip.

  • Jacob refuses to let go of the man until the man blesses him.

  • The man changes Jacob’s name to “Israel” because he struggled with God and with men and overcame.

  • When Jacob asks for the man’s name, the man replies, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blesses Jacob.

  • Jacob — now Israel — limps.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Some people think the man Jacob wrestled with was Jesus Himself, which would make this a Christophany.

(Originally drawn August 10, 2010)


Genesis 32 — Thoughts


Genesis 31 — Thoughts