Genesis 32 — Thoughts

Who Did Jacob Wrestle?

It's often said that Jacob wrestled "an angel," but there are several reasons to believe that the man Jacob wrestles with in this story is actually Jesus — God Himself.

  1. The man won't give Jacob his name, which suggests there's something special about that name.

  2. The man says, "You have struggled with God and with humans." We know that Laban and Esau are the humans Jacob has struggled with — could this wrestling match be Jacob's struggle with God?

  3. The man blesses Jacob and changes his name to "Israel." So far, God is the only one we've seen change someone's name (Genesis 17:5).

  4. And as Jacob reflects on the experience, he says, "I saw God face to face." This is the clearest identity we are given for this stranger. He is God in the flesh: Jesus.

But there's one more reason I believe this wrestling stranger is actually Jesus. Right before this midnight wrestling match, Jacob finds out that Esau, the brother he tricked and cheated, is coming with 400 men — most likely to kill Jacob. Understandably, Jacob is filled with "great fear and distress."

In my own life, my greatest struggles with God have come when I have been afraid. This is because fear is antithetical to a life lived with God. He is both powerful and loving, both just and merciful, both Creator and Redeemer. If we're walking with Him, we have nothing to fear.

Perhaps that's why the most common commandment in the Bible, appearing 365 times, is "Do not fear." And yet we do fear. So easily. Giving up our fear can sometimes feel like a constant wrestling match with God. We cling to Him, demanding His blessing in our time of fear, and that's the right thing to do.

If you're afraid today, don't hesitate to wrestle. Give it to God. He has already given you His blessing on the Cross. There's already nothing to fear.

(Originally written August 6, 2020)


Genesis 33 — Sketch


Genesis 32 — Sketch