Genesis 33 — Sketch


Big Idea:

  • When Jacob sees Esau coming with 400 men, he divides up his family and runs ahead to meet Esau.

  • Jacob bows seven times as he approaches his brother, but Esau runs up and hugs him.

  • They both cry, and all is forgiven.

  • Jacob introduces his family to Esau and insists that Esau keep the gifts he sent.

  • Jacob settles in Canaan and builds an altar to God.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Our sin wrongs God, just as Jacob wronged Esau. But through Jesus, God accepts us back with open arms, the same way Esau accepted Jacob. And just as Esau didn’t care about Jacob’s gifts, God doesn’t want our attempts to save ourselves.

(Originally drawn August 11, 2010)


Genesis 33 — Thoughts


Genesis 32 — Thoughts