Genesis 41 — Sketch

Dreamer Be Warned

Big Idea:

  • Pharaoh has a nightmare: Seven fat cows are grazing by the Nile. Then seven skinny cows come out of the Nile and swallow up the fat cows.

  • Pharaoh has another nightmare: Seven healthy heads of grain are growing on a stalk. Then seven scorched heads of grain come and swallow up the healthy ones.

  • No one can interpret Pharaoh’s dream for him.

  • The cupbearer remembers Joseph and tells Pharaoh about Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams.

  • Joseph is released from prison, cleaned up, and brought to Pharaoh.

  • Joseph tells Pharaoh that both dreams mean the same thing: There will soon be seven years of abundance, but they will be followed by seven years of famine.

  • Joseph suggests that Pharaoh put someone in charge of collecting resources during the abundant years and saving it for the famine years.

  • Pharaoh makes Joseph the man in charge — second in command of all Egypt.

  • During the abundant years, Joseph collects resources.

  • Joseph marries and has two sons.

  • During the famine years, Joseph distributes what was collected. The famine is widespread and people come to Egypt from all over the world for help.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Joseph goes from being a prisoner to being the second most powerful man in the Egyptian empire. Jesus goes from the grave to resurrected glory.

(Originally drawn August 23, 2010)


Genesis 41 — Thoughts


Genesis 40 — Thoughts