Genesis 41 — Thoughts

Will Everything Be OK?

A quote likely misattributed to John Lennon says: "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

John Lennon wasn't exactly a theologian, but if he did say this, he was tapping into an idea that's true for Christians — and important for us to remember.

After being betrayed by his family, sold into slavery, and falsely accused and thrown into prison, Joseph became second-in-command of all Egypt!

There were many times in Joseph's life when things were not okay. But God was with him in all of it, and God brought him through to a better place on the other side. He will do the same for you.⁠

But I want to be careful here because some people falsely teach that this means that God will always give us health, wealth, and happiness if we just have enough faith. But that's "the prosperity Gospel" — that's not the real Gospel.⁠

The truth is that some Christians don't get to experience being okay in this life at all. Some suffer illness, poverty, broken relationships, and persecution for their faith — some are even martyred.⁠

Does that mean their story isn't okay in the end? Not at all!⁠

For the Christian, this life is never the end (John 11:25). Jesus promises us a resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:14), and He is preparing a place for us right now (John 14:2)! Most importantly, we have already been restored to a relationship with Him (Ephesians 3:12), and He is with us no matter what we go through (Matthew 28:20).⁠

The true Gospel is that we are made right with God through Jesus' work on the cross. It's this restored relationship that gives us hope for a future beyond this life. It's this restored relationship that enables believers who are imprisoned for their faith to sing God's praises while in chains. And it's this restored relationship that makes everything okay in the end.⁠

It's nice when God brings things together for us in this life, like He did for Joseph. But even when He doesn't, you can still take heart. It will be okay in the end.⁠

(Originally written September 1, 2020)


Genesis 42 — Sketch


Genesis 41 — Sketch