Genesis 42 — Sketch

A Dream Fulfilled

Big Idea:

  • The famine reaches Jacob's family. He hears about the resources in Egypt and sends his sons to get help. But he keeps Benjamin with him.

  • Joseph recognizes his brothers when they arrive in Egypt, but they don’t recognize him.

  • Without telling them who he is, Joseph accuses them of being spies. They plead their innocence by telling him about their family.

  • Joseph sends them all to prison. He tells them that one of them can go back to get Benjamin as proof that they're not spies.

  • After three days, Joseph says they can leave just one brother in prison while the rest go back for Benjamin.

  • Reuben tells his brothers that all this trouble is a punishment for what they did to Joseph.

  • Joseph hears what Reuben says (though the brothers don't know it), and it makes him weep.

  • Joseph has Simeon taken away to remain in prison and sends the rest of the brothers back home with food.

  • Joseph secretly has the money the brothers used to pay for their food put back in their bags.

  • On their way home, the brothers find their money in their bags.⁠ They worry that they'll be accused of stealing it.

  • The brothers tell Jacob about their experiences, and Jacob mourns for Simeon.

  • Though Reuben offers his own sons as collateral, Jacob refuses to let them go back with Benjamin.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Joseph is coy and does not reveal his true identity to his brothers. It reminds me of how Jesus didn’t let his friends on the road of Emmaus know who He was until He was already gone.⁠

(Originally drawn August 24, 2010)


Genesis 42 — Thoughts


Genesis 41 — Thoughts