Genesis 43 — Sketch

A One-Sided Reunion

Big Idea:

  • Jacob’s family runs out of food, so Jacob tells his sons to go back to Egypt for more.

  • Judah reminds Jacob that they can’t go back without Benjamin.

  • Jacob is reluctant, so Judah accepts responsibility for Benjamin.

  • Jacob makes them take back the money that Joseph secretly returned to them after their last trip to Egypt — along with additional gifts.

  • When the brothers arrive in Egypt, Joseph releases Simeon to them and then hosts a dinner for them in his home.

  • The brothers try to explain about finding their money returned to them, but they’re told to not worry about it.

  • When Joseph sees Benjamin, he hurries out of the room to weep.

  • Joseph returns, and everyone eats. He gives extra food to Benjamin.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Joseph not only forgives his brothers, he throws them a party. God not only forgives our sins, He adopts us as His children.

(Originally drawn August 25, 2010)


Genesis 43 — Thoughts


Genesis 42 — Thoughts