Genesis 43 — Thoughts

What’s Better Than Revenge?

Joseph had every right to deal out justice against his brothers — and he had the power to do it, too. They had betrayed him, attacked him, sold him, and forgotten him. Now, Joseph was the second-most-powerful man in Egypt, and they were at his mercy. It feels like the set-up for a great revenge story.

But that's not what happens. In fact, Joseph responds to this situation in two unexpected ways. But to the Christian, they should feel very familiar.

1.) Joseph forgives his brothers. He doesn't have to do it. They don't deserve it. But he lets them off.

This is what God does for us. As sinners, we deserve His wrath — we deserve to be cut off from Him forever (Romans 6:23). But Jesus went to the cross and died in our place, taking on the penalty of our sins on our behalf (1 Peter 2:24). Because He did this, we can now be made right with God. The sin that once stood between us and our Creator has been taken from us, "as far as the east is from the west" (Psalm 103:12).

2.) Joseph blesses his brothers. First, he gives them back the money they used to pay for their food. Then, he throws them a party and feeds them. Forgiving them would have been more than enough, but Joseph goes above and beyond.

This is also what God did for us. He gives us His own righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). He adopts us into His family (John 1:12). He gives us His Spirit to live inside us (1 Corinthians 6:19). And He is preparing a place for us (John 14:2-3). Forgiving our sins would have been more than enough, but God goes above and beyond.

God forgives us, AND He blesses us. Do we do the same for others?

We know that we should forgive those who sin against us (Ephesians 4:32). But we are also called to love them (Matthew 5:44) — to bless them. It's what Joseph did for his brothers, but more importantly, it's what Jesus did for us.

(Originally written September 10, 2010)


Genesis 44 — Sketch


Genesis 43 — Sketch