Genesis 49 — Sketch

Goodbye Boys

Big Idea:

  • Jacob blesses his sons.

  • Reuben will no longer excel because he slept with his stepmother.

  • Simeon and Levi’s anger is cursed. They will be scattered and avoided for their violence.

  • “The scepter will not depart from Judah nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet until he comes to whom it belongs”

  • Zebulun will be a mariner.

  • Issachar is strong but lazy.

  • Dan is sly but just.

  • Gad will be attacked, but he will fight back and be victorious.

  • Asher will be rich with food.

  • Naphtali will be set free and made fruitful.

  • Joseph is strong and, though archers attack him, his bow will remain steady because he stays with God.

  • Benjamin is unconquerable.

  • After blessing his sons, Jacob instructs them to bury him in Canaan.

  • Jacob pulls his feet into his bed and dies.

Jesus in This Chapter:

Jacob blesses Judah by saying, “The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet until he comes to whom it belongs.” Jesus is the one to whom the scepter belongs. This blessing is saying that Jesus — the Savior of the world — will come from Judah’s family line.

(Originally drawn September 2, 2010)


Genesis 49 — Thoughts


Genesis 48 — Thoughts