Genesis 49 — Thoughts

What Will You Say on Judgment Day?

Jacob's blessings must have been an awkward experience for his sons.

He has only good things to say about Joseph. And he even prophesies that Jesus will come through Judah's family line.

But he doesn't have nice words for everyone. Reuben is called out for sleeping with his mother-in-law. And Simeon and Levi are cursed for their violence.

Reading through this chapter, it feels a lot more like Jacob is judging his sons rather than blessing them. If you're like me, you might wonder what the "Jacob" in your life would have to say about you. It feels almost like a warning to the reader: Jacob judged his sons, but God is going to judge you.

Someday, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God (Hebrews 9:27). And unlike Jacob, God doesn't play favorites. There are no secrets from God. He even knows the private thoughts of our hearts. And because we're all sinners (Romans 3:23), we will have nothing to say for ourselves on that day.

...Unless we've put our faith in Jesus.

This is the hope we have as Christians. Because of Jesus' work on the cross, we don't have to say anything for ourselves on Judgment Day. Jesus already satisfied justice by paying the penalty for our sins. He has forgiven us and given us his own righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). All we need to do is accept the salvation He offers by putting our faith in Him instead of in ourselves (Ephesians 2:8-9).

On our Judgment Day, we need only point to Jesus.

(Originally written September 24, 2020)


Genesis 50 — Sketch


Genesis 49 — Sketch