Genesis 8 — Thoughts

Jesus Is the World’s Rest Button

There are days when I wish life had a reset button. Maybe you can relate. Situations haven't gone as they were supposed to. We haven't become the people we aspired to be. Maybe something devastating has happened, and we can't imagine moving forward with things the way they are.

That must have been how God felt before the flood. He had created a beautiful world, and it was "very good." He created humanity to share in a loving relationship with Him, a people He could bless. But those people turned against Him, polluting His beautiful world with evil and corruption.

So God sent a flood to reset the world.

When Noah and his family stepped off the ark, it was like they were entering a new creation. No more evil. No more corruption. Just a good world and it's good Creator. Imagine how they must have felt. So fresh. So free. So joyful.

This is the effect Jesus has on our lives.

Before we knew Him, we were trapped in sin, polluted by it like the world before the flood. Then, when we put our faith in Jesus, His blood washed away our sin (1 John 1:7), like the flood washing the Earth clean. Now, because of what He did on the Cross, we can step forward as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

This is why the Gospel is called Good News. Yes, it forces us to face the reality of our sin, which feels far from good. But it does this so that we can appreciate the profound gift of the Savior. Because of Jesus, our sin is washed away and we are made new in Him. THAT is the Good News of the Gospel.

(Originally written May 22, 2020)


Genesis 9 — Sketch


Genesis 8 — Sketch