Genesis 12 — Sketch

Father Abraham

Big Idea:

  • God sends Abram to Canaan.

  • God appears to Abram at the tree of Moreh and promises to bless Abram’s descendants.

  • Abram builds an altar to God.

  • Abram leaves Canaan for Egypt because of a famine.

  • Out of fear, Abram tells the Egyptians that his wife, Sarai, is just his sister, and she is “taken into the palace.”

  • God inflicts disease on Pharaoh's household for taking Sarai.

  • Pharoah realizes Abram’s lie and sends him and Sarai away.

Jesus in This Chapter:

  • When God says, "All peoples on earth will be blessed through you," He's talking about Jesus, the Savior of the world who would come through Abram's family line.

  • When God says, "I will make you into a great nation," He's talking about the Israelites, who descend from Abram — but He's also talking about all people of faith, Abram's spiritual descendants (Romans 4:16).

(Originally drawn July 6, 2010)


Genesis 12 — Thoughts


Genesis 11 — Thoughts