Genesis 21 — Thoughts

Is God Running Late?

By our standards, God is always running late. I sometimes have to actively remove Him in my mind from the category of friends who leave you sitting by yourself at the coffee shop for 20 minutes before finally showing up.

Because in reality, God is never late. Like Gandalf, He arrives precisely when He means to. The reason it sometimes feels like He's running late is that His timing is rarely what I would like it to be.

Sarah had to wait most of her life to become a Mom. Abraham had to wait through nine chapters of Genesis to see God's promise fulfilled. And yet — God came through. Isaac was born.

God gives things more time than we would. There are many reasons why He might do this in our individual lives, but Scripture gives at least one clear reason: He doesn't want anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9).

As Christians, we long for the day when our Savior will return and we can leave this fallen world to enter into His New Creation. We long for it as Sarah and Abraham longed for Isaac. And yet, here we are waiting.

But God is not late. He's extending the world's opportunity to turn to Him. He's giving everyone the best possible chance to hear the Gospel and be saved. He's holding the door open. Because once He comes back, that will be it.

So while we pray for the Lord to return soon, we also pray for Him to use us to reach those He's holding the door for. This is our opportunity to share the Gospel. This is our chance to invite the world to trust Him and be saved. Are we making the most of this time?

Because once He comes back, that will be it.

(Originally June 30, 2020)


Genesis 22 — Sketch


Genesis 21 — Sketch