Genesis 47 — Sketch

Another Dream Warning

Big Idea:

  • Joseph introduces his family to Pharaoh, and Pharaoh lets them live in the land of Goshen.

  • Joseph introduces his father to Pharaoh, and Jacob blesses Pharaoh.

  • As the famine continues, Joseph starts selling Egypt’s resources until Pharaoh has all the money.

  • Then he starts trading the resources for livestock until Pharaoh has all the animals.

  • Then he starts trading the resources for land until Pharaoh has all the land in Egypt.

  • Joseph gives the people seeds so they can grow food, but they have to give a fifth of what they grow to Pharaoh.

  • Jacob’s family thrives in Goshen.

Jesus in This Chapter:

I think it’s interesting Jacob blesses Pharaoh. Pharaoh believed himself to be a god — he certainly wasn’t a worshiper of the One true God. Yet Jacob befriends him and blesses him. It reminds me of how Jesus also hung out with people who didn’t know God — Jesus shows grace to sinners.

(Originally drawn August 21, 2010)


Genesis 47 — Thoughts


Genesis 46 — Thoughts