Genesis 47 — Thoughts

Who Should We Bless?

Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and I find that fascinating.

Jacob was the man who saw the stairway to heaven, who wrestled with God, whose name was changed to Israel by God, who was a patriarch, and whose family line would bring Jesus into His Creation. Though he was a flawed human being, there is no denying, Jacob was a man of God.

Then there's Pharoah. We aren't given as much information about this man. But we know from history that the ancient Egyptians worshiped their own set of false gods. In fact, Pharaoh even considered HIMSELF to be a god. It's hard to imagine anyone being further from a right relationship with the one, true God than Pharaoh.

And yet, Jacob blesses Pharaoh.

I think what fascinates me about this is that I don't see modern American Christians going out of their way to bless non-Christians very often. We're better known for our politics, for our culture war, and — frankly — for our judgment of others.

What would it look like if we were known for blessing others instead?

I think it would look like Jesus.

Don't get me wrong. Jesus had no patience for sin (John 2:13-16), and He had harsh words for people when it was needed (Luke 11:52).

But Jesus' judgment was always for the religious people, those who were self-righteous, who didn't believe they needed a Savior, and who got in the way of others knowing God for themselves.

For the nonbeliever, the outside, the sinner, Jesus had nothing but gentleness, blessing, and love (John 8:11).

And so should we.

(Originally written September 19, 2020)


Genesis 48 — Sketch


Genesis 47 — Sketch